You can create your own custom challenges to keep track of personal goals.
What you’ll need
This feature requires Lifecraft Premium.
Create a new challenge
- Click the Challenges button in the navigation bar.
- Click Create in the Challenges view.
- Click the Plus (+) button above MY CHALLENGES list to create a new challenge.
Here's how it looks on your Mac:
Describe the challenge
You'll see two tabs in the challenge editor: Description and Actions. The first step is to describe your challenge:
- Enter a challenge title.
- Enter a description (optional).
- Choose a challenge category.
- Choose the length of the challenge in days.
- Choose an award image.
- Choose a challenge icon (optional). This icon will appear in challenge actions.
Here's how it looks on your iPhone:
Add challenge action(s)
Every challenge has at least one "action". An action is something that you "check off" as part of the challenge. A simple challenge might have one action: "Do 5 push-ups" in the morning.
Challenges can have more than one action per day. For example, you may want to do push-ups in the morning and sit-ups at bedtime:
A complex challenge can have different actions on different days. Deselect the "All days are the same" checkbox, then use the Day popup menu to configure each day's actions.
Save the challenge
When you're finished editing the challenge, click the Save button in the challenge editor. The new challenge will then appear in the MY CHALLENGES list.
Start the challenge
When you're ready to start the challenge, select it in MY CHALLENGES, then click Accept Challenge:
Delete a challenge
On your iPhone/iPad
- Navigate to the "MY CHALLENGES" list.
- Swipe left ⇠ over the challenge you want to delete.
- Tap the Delete button.
On your Mac
- Select the challenge you want to delete in the "MY CHALLENGES" list.
- Click the Delete button on your keyboard.
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