Lifecraft can display highly accurate hourly and daily weather forecasts. If you're having trouble seeing the weather, there are a few things you should check.
Do you have Lifecraft Premium?
The weather feature requires Lifecraft Premium.
Are Location Services enabled?
Lifecraft must be able to find your location in order to load a weather forecast.
On your iPhone, iPad
- Open Settings > Privacy > Location Services
- Scroll down until you see Lifecraft and select it.
- Select "While Using the App".
On your Mac
- Choose > System Preferences to open the System Preferences window.
- Select Security & Privacy > Privacy > Location Services.
- Make sure there's a checkmark next to Lifecraft. You may need to click the lock in the lower-left corner of the window in order to make changes.
After you enable Location Services for Lifecraft, it may take some time before the app can find your location and load the weather. You may want to quit and restart Lifecraft to facilitate this.
Do you have a firewall enabled on your device?
A firewall can prevent Lifecraft from communicating with the external weather server.
Check if a firewall is enabled on your Mac
- Choose > System Preferences to open the System Preferences window.
- Select Security & Privacy > Firewall.
- Do you see "Firewall: On"?
Add an exception for Lifecraft
- Click the Lock in the lower-left corner of the window to allow changes.
- Click the Firewall Options button.
- Click the + button and choose Applications > Lifecraft.
- Click OK to close the Firewall Options.
At that point, the weather should start working (you may have to quit and restart Lifecraft).
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