The More button appears at the top of the Entry View and the Entry List. The More view helps you perform many useful tasks related to journal entries.
Entry View More Button
Tap the More button (···) at the top of the entry view to open the More view:
New. Create a new journal entry.
Insert. Open the Insert view in order to insert photos, voice recordings, etc. (see below)
Delete. Delete the journal entry by moving it to the Trash.
Entry Date. Change the entry date.
Entry Info. Open the Entry Info view that shows the assigned journal, entry location, etc. (see below)
Tags. View/change the tags assigned to the entry.
Copy Link to Entry. Copy a link to the journal entry. You can then paste the link into a different entry (or a different app) so you can quickly navigate back to the original entry.
Start Timer. Start a timer or stopwatch. This is especially useful when responding to writing prompts (see Compass View). Changes to Stop Timer when a timer is running.
Speak Entry. Have Zee speak the journal entry. Changes to Stop Speaking when Zee is speaking.
Share Entry. Share the journal entry (Print, Mail, etc.) or export the entry to PDF.
App Settings (iPhone/iPad). Open the App Settings. On the Mac, choose Lifecraft > Preferences.
Click the Insert button in the More view to open the Insert view:
Photo or Video. Insert a photo or video in the journal entry.
Camera (iPhone/iPad). Insert a new photo or video in the journal entry.
Voice. Insert a voice recording into the entry text.
Drawing (iPhone/iPad). Insert a drawing into the entry text.
Time or Date. Insert the current time and/or date into the entry text.
Calendar Events. Insert the calendar events for the current date.
Template. Insert a journal entry template in the selected entry. OR save the selected entry as a template (this the easiest way to create a formatted entry template).
Link. Insert a link (like a web URL) into the entry text.
Entry Info
Select Entry Info in the More view to open the Entry Info view:
Journal. Select to move the journal entry to a different journal.
Weather. View the weather saved with the journal entry.
Location. View/change the journal entry location.
Text. Shows the number of characters/words/paragraphs in the entry text.
Entry List More Button
The More view in the Entry List contains additional commands specific to the Entry List view:
New. Create a new entry in the selected journal.
Emotions. Open the Emotion Charts to see what's trending in your emotional life.
Select. Select multiple entries, which can then be moved/shared/deleted.
Filter by Emotion. Opens an Emotion Bar chart. The entry list will filter to show the entries that include the selected emotion (see Entry List).
Filter by Tag. Filter the entry list to show entries that are assigned the selected tags (see Entry List).
Stop Filtering. If the entry list is currently being filtered by emotion or tag, Stop Filter will appear in the More view. Use it to reset the filtering and show all entries again.
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